What is the GBC?

His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, Founder-Acarya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON), established the Governing Body Commission (GBC) to be the ultimate managing authority for the society. In ISKCON’s Direction of Management written on July 28, 1970, Srila Prabhupada states:

As we have increased our volume of activities, now I think a Governing Body Commission (hereinafter referred to as the GBC) should be established. I am getting old, 75 years old, therefore at any time I may be out of the scene, therefore I think it is necessary to give instruction to my disciples how they shall manage the whole institution. They are already managing individual centers represented by one president, one secretary and one treasurer, and in my opinion they are doing nice. But we want still more improvement in the standard of temple management, propaganda for Krishna consciousness, distribution of books and literatures, opening of new centers and educating devotees to the right standard.

Srila Prabhupada reaffirmed the position of the GBC in his final will drafted in June, 1977:

The Governing Body Commission (GBC) will be the ultimate managing authority of the entire International Society for Krishna Consciousness.

Through legal documents, training, and discourse, Srila Prabhupada clearly identified the GBC as the highest managerial body in ISKCON.

At present, the GBC body is comprised of thirty-four members who are individually responsible for overseeing the management and spiritual standards of ISKCON centers in assigned geographic regions. GBC members also supervise specific projects, initiatives, and ministries. Following the instructions of Srila Prabhupada, the GBC body convenes yearly in Mayapur, West Bengal for their Annual General Meeting, during which time they discuss proposals, specific issues and projects within ISKCON, and pass resolutions by way of a voting process.

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Cover for ISKCON Governing Body Commission (GBC)
ISKCON Governing Body Commission (GBC)

ISKCON Governing Body Commission (GBC)

His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, Founder-Acarya of the International Society for

GBC MEETING HIGHLIGHTS REPORT 26 June 2024We are pleased to present the 26 June 2024 GBC Meeting Highlights Report. This report aims to provide an overview of the online GBC meeting highlighting the key topics discussed. The meeting commenced with an invocation of prayers led by Bhakti Caitanya Swami, followed by a reading from the Srimad Bhagavatam (1.5.33, 1.6.8 and 1.6.10) by Badrinarayan Swami on the theme ‘How Devotees see Struggle’. The passage from the chapter titled ‘Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva’ was read with its translation and purport: “I took this as the special mercy of the Lord, who always desires benediction for His devotees, and so thinking, I started for the north. Purport: Confidential devotees of the Lord see in every step a benedictory direction of the Lord. What is considered to be an odd or difficult moment in the mundane sense is accepted as special mercy of the Lord. Mundane prosperity is a kind of material fever, and by the grace of the Lord the temperature of this material fever is gradually diminished, and spiritual health is obtained step by step. Mundane people misunderstand it.”The GBC addressed two important topics at the meeting: 1. Resignation of Giridhari Swami: Giridhari Swami offered his resignation as the GBC Zonal Secretary of the Philippines and China due to health reasons. The GBC accepted Giridhari Swami’s resignation with gratitude for his decades of dedicated service to the GBC. The GBC Executive Committee will communicate with the Philippines National Council regarding the identification of an area GBC in the next twelve months.2. Indian Zonal Supervisors: Tapana Mishra Das chaired this session and gave a briefing to the GBC regarding the importance of aligning the management structure in ISKCON India with the international GBC. One of the key steps in this regard would also be to create empowerment of the local zonal leadership in India. In this meeting GBC agreed that the service performed by all the Regional Secretary Assistant in India should be formally recognized and they should be awarded the title of Zonal Supervisors for their service par excellence.The GBC started reviewing the Regional Secretary Assistants division wise as submitted to them by India leadership. The GBC is going through a detailed presentation on each candidate starting with the North India division devotees GBC got the opportunity to hear about the devotee's expertise and the services renderedIn this meeting following Zonal Supervisors' appointments with their respective zones were confirmed. The GBC is expected to process all other divisions within July 2024.1) Kamal Locana Das - Uttar Pradesh (East)2) Sundara Gopal Das - Uttar Pradesh (West) 3) Prem Harinam Das - Uttar Pradesh (Central)4) Vishnunama Das - Rajasthan (Region 1) 5) Pancaratna Das - Rajasthan (Region 2) 6) Bhakti Ashraya Vaisnava Swami - Rajasthan (Region 3) 7) Bhakti Ashraya Vaisnava Swami - Himachal Pradesh The spiritual and leadership qualities of these devotees and their dedication to ISKCON were greatly appreciated. The GBC congratulates the new Zonal Supervisors and prays for their continued success in Srila Prabhupada service.--------Please find the Video link of the Report: youtu.be/i23BuOkv6xk?feature=shared- Issued by GBC Communications ... See MoreSee Less
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ISKCON Governing Body Commission (GBC)
ISKCON Governing Body Commission (GBC) ... See MoreSee Less
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GBC MEETING HIGHLIGHTS REPORT 12 June 2024We are pleased to present the 12 June 2024 GBC Meeting Highlights Report. This report aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the online GBC meeting highlighting the key topic discussed.The meeting commenced with an invocation of prayers led by Bir Krishna Goswami, followed by a reading from the Srimad Bhagavatam (8.3.1) by Nrsimha Kavaca Das. The passage from the chapter titled ‘Gajendra’s Prayers of Surrender’ was read with its translation: “Thereafter, the King of elephants, Gajendra, fixed his mind in his heart with perfect intelligence and chanted a mantra which he had learned in his previous birth as Indradyumna and which he remembered by the grace of Krishna.” The primary topic of discussion was the Mid-Term Meeting (MTM) 2024 which was set to take place from 1-7 October, at New Vrindavan in the United States. The Mid-Term meetings are generally held in a different region of the world each year, to encourage and facilitate deeper connections and exchanges with devotees from diverse regions.This year, many GBC members cannot attend in person, and without a minimum quorum of 60% of GBC members, the Mid-Term Meeting cannot be constituted. The GBC members considered if a blended (in-person and online) meeting would be a viable alternative. Concerns were raised that a blended meeting would (1) not serve the purpose of deepening connections with the local leaders and devotees and (2) significantly compromise the meeting's quality and effectiveness, given the multi-day format of these meetings.Considering the unavailability of a minimum quorum, the GBC voted to cancel the Mid-Term Meeting proposed for October 2024. The GBC is grateful to the ISKCON North American leadership for their willingness to host these meetings and looks forward to connecting with the North American yatra. - Issued by GBC Communications ... See MoreSee Less
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GBC MEETING HIGHLIGHTS REPORT 29 May 2024We are pleased to present the GBC Meeting Highlight Report for the GBC Meeting held on 29 May 2024. This report aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the online GBC meeting highlighting key topics discussed. The meeting commenced with Prahladananda Swami leading the pranams (invocation prayers) followed by a reading by Krishnadas Kaviraj Das from SB 6.15.26. The GBC addressed four important topics at the meeting: 1. Ratify the Appointment of Secretary for West Bengal Society: Every year the GBC appoints the Secretary for West Bengal Society, Gopal Krishna Goswami served as the current Secretary for the GBC West Bengal Society, and with his passing, the GBC discussed the appointment of a new Secretary. At the AGM 2024, Revati Raman Das was appointed as the second-in-line signatory for the West Bengal Society. Members voted in favor of his appointment as the Secretary until the next AGM 2025. 2. Prioritize the Appointment of Two GBC Members to India Governing Council (Bureau):In relation to GBC members participation on the India Governing Council (Bureau), the appointment of new GBC members to the Bureau is long overdue. The recent departure of Gopal Krishna Goswami, combined with the recent resignation of Radhanath Swami, has accentuated the need for GBC members appointment at the Bureau. The GBC therefore formally recommends to India Governing Council (Bureau) to appoint two GBC members, namely Gauranga Das and Tapana Misra Das, both Indian citizens, as India Governing Council (Bureau) members on priority.3. Ratification of Regional Secretary Assistants in India as Zonal Supervisors: The GBC reviews and approves Zonal Supervisors serving in respective RGBs and National Council. Despite the system being introduced since 2015, no such formal recommendations were made by India Governing Council (Bureau) till date. It was therefore discussed and agreed by the GBC that the Regional Secretary Assistants in India be considered as Zonal Supervisors. The GBC, in its next zoom meeting, will examine and approve an updated list of Zonal Supervisors that India Governing Council (Bureau) has previously appointed.4. Appointment of Govardhan Das as GBC for East Africa: The local East Africa leadership has extended an invitation to Govardhan Das to visit and inspire devotees in the region. Gopal Krishna Goswami had verbally expressed desire for Govardhan Das to serve as Co-GBC for East Africa. The global zones of Gopal Krishna Goswami are managed by the GBC EC until AGM 2025 as previously reported. The GBC voted in favor of Govardhan Das taking on the service of GBC for East Africa temporarily until AGM 2025, with approval and support from the local management. - Issued by GBC Communications ... See MoreSee Less
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GBC MEETING HIGHLIGHTS REPORT 15 May 2024We are pleased to present the GBC Meeting Report for 15 May 2024, providing a comprehensive overview of the online GBC meeting.The meeting commenced with a reading by Bhakti Caitanya Swami of Srila Prabhupada’s letter of 5 November 1972 to Satsvarupa Das Goswami, emphasizing the need for leaders to be committed to their service. The GBC commended Gopal Krishna Goswami’s Will as an ideal example of this commitment and dedication.The GBC continued its discussion on the urgent actions required in light of the departure of Gopal Krishna Goswami. In the preceding week, the GBC convened a special general meeting to discuss the smooth transition of responsibilities for Gopal Krishna Goswami’s zone. This meeting focused on Maharaja's role as the chair of the India Governing Council (Bureau). The India Governing Council (Bureau) was established by Srila Prabhupada as the legal entity for ISKCON in India. The Bureau plays a vital role in ensuring legal and tax compliance and the effective functioning of ISKCON in India.Gopal Krishna Goswami was an important link between the GBC and the India Governing Council (Bureau). The members discussed the importance of furthering the alignment between the GBC and the India Bureau. A priority is ensuring greater inclusion of GBC members serving in India, as India Bureau members. Members suggested that the standing GBC-Bureau Relationship Committee which includes GBC EC representation lead these discussions. The need for GBC representation and integration is an existing requirement of all Regional Governing Bodies (RGB) and National Councils. This arrangement has been demonstrated to be highly effective in ensuring the harmonisation of global and regional contexts and priorities such as the RGBS in Australia, Europe, Latin America, North America, etc. A further priority is ensuring that the rules and regulations of all regional and national entities allow for a decision to be reconsidered, in the unlikely event of the majority of represented GBC members not supporting a particular decision. The meeting concluded with members voting in favour of a directional vote. The members underscored the need for this directive to be realized with sensitivity and reciprocal respect between the GBC and the respective RGBs. ____________________________________Footnotes: 1) Rules of Order for Regional Governing Bodies (ISKCON Law, provisional), Whereas it is important to ensure local decision making within ISKCON while maintaining the will of Srila Prabhupada that the GBC is the ultimate managerial authority of ISKCON;RESOLVED:That all Regional Governing Bodies (RGBs), Continental Committees, and Divisional and National Councils provisionally accept and function on the principle that whenever the majority of GBC members present in their respective meetings are not in favor of a proposed resolution, the said resolution will go for more discussion until the majority of GBC members present are in agreement.- 2010 GBC Resolution2). 3.4.1 ISKCON Regional Governing Bodies Definition:An "ISKCON Regional Governing Body" ("RGB") is a formally constituted body that performs certain managerial functions on behalf of the GBC Body for conduct of the affairs of the ISKCON society within a clearly designated contiguous geographical area, called a "Region," consisting of either a single country or a group of contiguous countries. Functions Delegated by the GBC Body to RGB's If the GBC Body delegates a particular function to a Regional Governing Body, then any decision of the RGB within the scope of that function is binding within the Region as if the decision had been made by the full GBC Body, but it may be overruled by majority vote of the GBC Body.There are minimum delegated functions as well as optional delegated functions3. Minimum Delegated Functions:The functions that are delegated to an RGB by the GBC Body shall include, as a minimum, the following: 1. To serve as a forum for increasing coordination of the overall preaching strategy in the Region.2. To serve as a forum for increasing the coordination of the implementation of GBC policies, guidelines and resolutions applicable within the Region.3. Subdivision of the Region into Divisions for the purpose of organizing Divisional Councils as described below, in consultation with all Zonal Secretaries actively functioning in the Region.4. Making recommendations to the GBC Body, where appropriate, for GBC legislation.5. Making recommendations to any Zonal Secretary or other ISKCON official functioning within the Region on matters concerning the affairs of the Region.6. Appointment of Regional Ministers, Committees, etc., as it deems necessary for the conduct of its delegated functions.7. Resolution of any conflicts within the Region that are beyond the scope of any Divisional Councils constituted within the Region. This includes handling of complaints on Regional matters referred to it by the GBC Body, the Divisional Councils, any ISKCON official or body, or from individuals.8. Where necessary and appropriate, undertaking disciplinary action against ISKCON officials and/or other devotees serving within the Region, as allowed under ISKCON law for such a body.- 2002 GBC Resolution Update 2010: That all Regional Governing Bodies (RGBs), Continental Committees, and Divisional and National Councils provisionally accept and function on the principle that whenever the majority of GBC members present in their respective meetings are not in favor of a proposed resolution, the said resolution will go for more discussion until the majority of GBC members present are in agreement. - Issued by GBC Communications ... See MoreSee Less
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