Present: GBC Members, Ministers, and Representatives of the SABHA
Bhanu Swami, the Governing Body Commissioner Executive Committee Chairperson, opened the meeting with Srila Prabhupada’s pranam prayers, and chanting of the Pancatattva mantra and the Hare Krishna mahamantra.
GBC member Tapana Mishra das the provided the opening reading that he had selected from Caitanya Caritamrita, Adi Lila 3.98, verse and purport.
Meeting Dates
The GBC discussed whether the GBC meetings and ILS (International Leadership Sanga) should go on as scheduled, considering the upsurge of Covid cases in some parts of the world. It was noted that in most places, including India, the number of cases is relatively small.
The GBC resolved to:
• Hold the GBC Annual General Meeting (AGM) as scheduled in Sridham Mayapur February 7-11, 2023
• Hold the ILS as planned in Mayapur February 12-16
Other festivities will also go on as scheduled beginning February 17, including the Mayapur Festival, Parikrama, and Kirtan Festival.
Leave of Absence
GBC Members Bhakti Bhusana Swami and Radha Krishna prabhu were granted official Leave of Absence from the GBC meetings due to health issues. (Generally these are requested and granted for one year periods.)
Vyasa-Puja Book
GBC Emeritus Member Praghosa das was affirmed to coordinate a committee of Ananda Tirtha das, Dravida das, Kishori dasi, and Muhkya dasi, to decide the best ways to continue publishing the Srila Prabhupada Vyasa-puja book. They will consider online publishing, adding new production staff, etc.
GBC and India Bureau Committee
Most of the meeting was spent discussing who would serve on the committee created to dialogue with the India Bureau regarding Vaishnavi diksa gurus (VDG), and guru-tattva in ISKCON. (See and scroll down to see the Nov 2 decision).
Due to lack of consensus at this point, no decision was reached.
Next Meeting
The GBC has been meeting weekly since the early days of the pandemic. The next regular meeting will be Wednesday at 5 PM IST via a zoom call.
Hare Krishna
(Distributed by GBC Communications)