GBC RESOLUTIONS 1985 1. The GBC Resolutions must try to finalise the constitution before Lord Caitanya 500th Anniversary.The constitution will be finalised by going through the following stages: a. The GBC Constitutional Committee should delineate the basic principles and the GBC and expanded body of devotees should discuss b. A preliminary draft should […]
GBC RESOLUTIONS 1984 MARCH 5 1984. 1. The GBC officers 1984 are: Chairman: Jayapataka Swami. Vice Chairman: Gopal Krsna Goswami. Secretary: Balavanta Prabhu. 2. Resolved that each GBC will annually appoint one regional secretary (or ad hoc regional secretary) to the global secretarial for a one year term.The regional secretaries may change yearly. 3.
GBC MEETING 1983 The GBC officers for 1983 are: Harikesa Swami : Chairman Tamal Krsna Goswami : Vice Chairman Rameswara Swami : Secretary MARCH 16, 1983 Resolutions: 1. Bhagavan Goswami,Rameswara Swami and Mukunda Goswami are added to the 500th Anniversary Committee. 2. That according to Srila Prabhupada’s last expressed desires there shall be
GBC MEETINGS 1982 FEBRUARY 22,1982 Procedural Order (unpublished) 1. That the ISKCON law that the GBC members who have not submitted loyalty oaths not be allowed to vote be waived. Provisional Order. 2. That HDG Rameswara Swami hold a sub-committee meeting with whoever he appoints to report back to the GBC what should
GBC RESOLUTIONS 1981 MARCH 6, 1981. That the officers for Caitanya ERA 495, 1981-82 are as follows : 1. Chairman – Srila Bhavananda Goswami. 2. Vice-Chairman – Srila Bhakti Swarup Damodar Swami. 3. Secretary – H.H. Panca Dravida Swami. MARCH 8,1981. 1. That the Privilege Committee shall have included annually to its membership as ex-officio
GBC RESOLUTIONS 1980 FEBRUARY 25,1980 1. GBC Members 1. That Jaga-Jivana Goswami become a full-fledged GBC member. 2. That Mahamsa Swami become an acting GBC member. 2. Old Business 1. That within three months all ISKCON owned properties will be properly registered as per Srila Prabhupada’s will. Srila Bhagavan Goswami will personally
GBC RESOLUTIONS 1979. MARCH 1,1979. Officers of the GBC for 1979 are: Chairman : Jayatirtha Goswami. Vice Chairman : Hridayananda Goswami. Secretary : Adi Kesava Swami. MARCH 5,1979. 1. Review of old business. 1. Resolved: That all standing commitee must submit a written report to the chairman of the GBC before the beginning
Dear Maharajas and Prabhus, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. This is a victory that belongs to all of ISKCON. We know that ultimately all things are arranged by Sri Krishna Himself and all credit goes to Him. That being said, we would like to also include certain devotees that deserve
Bhakti Vijnana Goswami’s letter on Bhagavad Gita victory Read More »
GBC RESOLUTIONS 1978 March 18th 9:30 am 1. Bali Mardan,Jayapataka Swami and Adi Kesava Swami are now full GBCs. 2. New officers elected: Satswarup das Goswami – Chairman. Jayapataka Swami – Vice Chairman. Hrdayananda das Goswami- Secretary. Brahmananda Swami is appointed as Sergent at aims by the Chairman. 3. A committee of Satsvarupa
GBC RESOLUTIONS 1977 MARCH 1 1977 ; 9:30 am Parlimentary Organization Resolved: 1. Pancha Dravida Swami,and Harikesh Swami who are during the year as GBCs were appointed as full GBC members. Bali Mardan Das will continue for the next year in the status of acting GBC. Swarup Damodar will be appointed GBC member